VANCARE® Vanderlift™ 600

Safely transfers residents weighing up to 600 lbs.

Vander-Lift 600 is the safe way to transfer all residents regardless of range-of-motion limitations.

Vander-Lift 600 reduces back injuries among nursing staff, which in turn minimizes lost workdays, worker's compensation claims, and liability insurance premiums.

Heavy-duty frame with expandable base offers tip-resistant support for residents/patients up to 600 lbs.

An assortment of durable slings is available for all residents weighing up to 600 lbs. regardless of their shape or range-of-motion limitations. Custom-made slings are also available for special needs.

Lifting height adapts from the floor to the highest specialty rehab beds and tables.

Features simple electric push-button operation and magnetized hand-held control secures anywhere on lift.

Auxiliary toe-operated control provides alternative means of raising or lowering the resident. Manual lowering device can be used in case of emergencies.

Rechargeable 24 Volt DC electronic system features a low-battery indicator and actuator.

Light blue or white finish offers years of chip-resistant, non-peeling wear.

Optional built-in VanderScale or Hanging VanderScale weighs up to 600 lbs. with extraordinary accuracy.

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